Contact Information

Phone: +61 8 9193 8300


Address: 10 Murray Road, Cable Beach

Broome Western Australia 6726

Northern Australia Hotels Pty Ltd trading as Kimberley Sands Resort.

Please note that we are currently experiencing a high volume of phone calls. We appreciate your patience and will respond as soon as possible. Please utilise our online booking option for instant confirmation.

Flight Information

Flight time to Broome is 2.5 hours from Perth and 4.5 hours from the east coast of Australia.
Transfer time from Broome Airport to Kimberley Sands Resort is just 10 minutes. Local time is GMT +8 hours.

Qantas Airways |
Operate seasonal direct flights from Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney and daily direct flights from Perth.

Airnorth |
Operate flights from Darwin & Kununurra.